so i'm still over at tsunami help, which is what i'm calling the SEA-EAT blog, because i'm beginning to really mind that moniker. i'm doing clean up and recaps, but there's a really wonderful person over there (there's a lot, actually) named meghi who has created a very clean and lovely layout, which has made it easier for people to find information. there are, i gather, six or seven core people, with a guy named peter griffin at the head of it all. i don't know if i could really call anyone boss but i try to, just so i can get someone to answer some questions for me. it's run in this incredibly democratic way where everyone is in charge and no one is in charge, but somehow stuff gets done, and fairly well. donna, angela and i have somehow made ourselves in charge of our flickr missing persons page. so far, we've got 24 photos on the list, and of the 30 or so people depicted on those photos, four have been found safe and safely. not our doing, but it feels like we had a teeny, tiny part in the happiness. i can't say i'm heavily emotionally invested in this, otherwise i'd hand over the reigns to donna and angela, but i'm invested enough to stay on and to also occasionally search online for news of the missing people in our group. i found information about one of them who is safe, but i haven't gotten confirmation from the person who posted this information, and it's not the same person who contacted us to begin with. so i've got a dilemma. do i tell the person who originally contacted me about the good news, even though it's unconfirmed? what if i'm wrong and i've totally gotten her hopes up? and what if this happens again, but it's terrible news? am i responsible for breaking it to our contact? i don't know what to do except for to stop looking, but that seems like i'm breaking a promise to those who are still searching. what do i do?
tales of the guambat.
guamish? guammy bear??
see how boring i can be
see guambat eatguambat in the city
Previous Posts
- happy new year. i know it will be.
- urgh. i know. i'm always ignoring this blog, even ...
- of course, i didn't mean you :-)
- some days, and i have to say it, i really hate____...
- i got a phone call on tuesday from a person i went...
- last night was the 25th annual japanese autumn f...
- i'm back from la, but still doing the la blog for ...
- hiya. guambat is in los angeles for awhile, so i'l...
- claire gave me squeaky laptop buddha. i use it t...
- perusing the aisles of the abc stores. convenien...

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